What to Expect

Septic Pump Out : We find the hatch, dig it up, and pump it all out. If necessary we will back-flush the system as many times as needed to get all the solids in suspension out of the system. The inch or so of remaining fluid left in the bottom is excellent seed for the next operating cycle, which is approximately 5 years with a family of four or half of that time if you also have a garbage disposal. A family of 2 can go approximately 7 years before cleaning. We also check operating condition and structure of tank.

Septic Inspections : Our Inspections forms are good with the Health Dept., FHA loans and most mortgage companies. We pump the tanks, check the structure and make sure the drainfield is working properly.

Filter Cleans : Most systems put in after 1995 have filters in the tank. A filter is designed to catch all the material that would normally go into the drainfield. They are located in the inside back of the tank. We recommend cleaning the filter when the septic tank is pumped or cleaned out.

Grease Trap Pumping : We pump commercial grease traps. We recommend pumping grease on a regular basis. The average commercial grease trap is pumped every 90 days. Commercial routine contracts are available so you never have to think about it.

Waste Water Treatment Plants : We pump treated and untreated waste from Mobile Home Parks and Resorts.